Monday, November 8, 2010

L 11 Interview

子供の時、私はFire Truck になりたかったです。Fire Truckはかがやいて(Shiny)いたからです。
Local fairでCheese curdsをたべたことがあります。

I thought that it was interesting that Maya said that Americans are more friendly than Japanese people, which was part of her reason why she likes America. When I was in Japan, everyone seemed so happy! Maya said that store clerks are supposed to be happy because they will get in trouble by their boss. My thoughts were that people were happy in public, even if something was bothering them, because it was no one else problem but their own. So when they were at home, they could show their true feelings like sadness or anger. I thought this because my host mom seemed so cranky at home but was so nice when we went shopping!

I'm also happy that Maya had Cheese Curds! I think it's one thing that makes the Midwest unique. Even people from neighboring states don't know what cheese curds are!

Sunday, October 17, 2010




Maya said that Japanese school is easier because there isn't so many tests, quizes, homework assignments, etc. There's only one test at the end of each term. I thought because there is only one test and more depends on one test, that Japanese schools would be more difficult.
I also enjoyed that she likes tutoring for Japanese class!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Interview Project!


テストがたくさんあるためべんきょうするのがたいへんだったから。 かもくよります、すぎではありませんでしたと言っていました。
しゅうまつはたいていクラブかつどうをしてと言ってました。 テニスをしていました。
ほとんど何をしてもよかったです。せいふくをきてといっていました。から、化粧(make up)や髪そめ(hair dye)、ピアス(pierced earrings)をOKでした。

I really enjoyed this interview! It was fun exchanging stories and memories from high school!
Shiori said her school began at 8am and ended at 4pm. Many students had clubs before or after so some stayed until 6pm. At my high school, class began at 8:10am and ended at 3:23pm. When the last bell ended, everyone ran to the front doors! even those who had extra-curricular activities left right away to go to A&W or Subway to get dinner.

Monday, April 26, 2010

last blog :(


UWRFが大すきです!! River Fallsはきれいだと思ういです。

Monday, April 19, 2010

B8: しゅうまつ!!!

金曜日はClash of the TitansえがとTVを見って、本をようんで、Snackたべものをたべる。
日曜日とつまらなっかた。しんりんがくをべんきようして、Hall Councilにいくって、Essayをかきて、かるまにうんてんする。

Sunday, March 28, 2010


母はfamous actress にしています。49さいです。Whitehall, WI にすんでいます。
父はfortune 500 きょうしやにしています。 ??さいです。 Bakersfield, CA にすんでいます。

Monday, February 22, 2010

Paper Hearts Day!

Japan celebrates Valentines Day differently than in America. Although both cultures exchange chocolate or something of the sort, the meaning behind the gift his different. In America, homemade or expensive chocolate is given by ladies to guys that they show romantic interest in. Inexpensive chocolate is given to friends, coworkers, etc. In America, Women are showered with gifts such as dinners, flowers, and candy. But Japanese women also receive something in return, just not on February 14th. On March 14th, women receive a gift in return from the guy they showed romantic interest in the month before. Some women receive chocolate or even a marriage proposal!

I like the idea of White Day and the Japanese Valentines Day. I think that women should equally show their interest and not always be the one receiving gifts.

I think it's important to show friends, family and coworkers that you appreciate the support they have given and acknowledge them as an important person in life.

If I was in Japan, I think I'd celebrate "the Japanese way." It would be an experience and would also show my appreciation for the country and it's values and traditions.