Monday, September 27, 2010

Interview Project!


テストがたくさんあるためべんきょうするのがたいへんだったから。 かもくよります、すぎではありませんでしたと言っていました。
しゅうまつはたいていクラブかつどうをしてと言ってました。 テニスをしていました。
ほとんど何をしてもよかったです。せいふくをきてといっていました。から、化粧(make up)や髪そめ(hair dye)、ピアス(pierced earrings)をOKでした。

I really enjoyed this interview! It was fun exchanging stories and memories from high school!
Shiori said her school began at 8am and ended at 4pm. Many students had clubs before or after so some stayed until 6pm. At my high school, class began at 8:10am and ended at 3:23pm. When the last bell ended, everyone ran to the front doors! even those who had extra-curricular activities left right away to go to A&W or Subway to get dinner.


Maeda sensei said...


ダステイン バンデイバーグ said...

It is interesting to note the differences in responses. While Shoko didn't enjoy school because of all the studying it seems Shiori really enjoyed high school. Shiori went to school for 8 hours while Shoko went for 9. I'd be angry that other people had an hour less of high school! However both thought that testing was tough and didn't have jobs so that was similar. Did Shiori go to a public school? I would guess that might be the reason for some of the differences between them if Shoko went to a private catholic school but Shiori went to public school. I also would guess that the schools differ in hours, difficulty, culture, and rules in different regions of Japan.

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